Book Club
Join our tribe of parents and educators who are passionate about nurturing children's minds through nurturing our own.

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Our next book is No-Drama Discipline
by Dr Daniel Siegel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson.
Order your copy here!
Tell Me More...
If you are keen to learn more about conscious parenting whilst being part of a community of like-minded individuals then our book club is definitely for you! Our aim is to create a safe and welcoming online community where we can explore books about parenting, child development, self-reflection, trauma and healing. The book club is intended for parents with children of any age, grandparents, carers or professionals working with children. We launched our very first 8-week block of sessions in January 2024 covering the book The Whole Brain Child by Dr Daniel Seigel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson. Click here to find out what people said about it! We have also read The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read (and your children will be glad you did) by Philippa Perry and our next book will be... drum roll please...
No-Drama Discipline
another book by some of our favourite authors; Dr Daniel Seigel and Dr Tina Payne Bryson. Keep scrolling to book your spot in our next group!
Meet the Hosts

Jodie Jones
Qualified Teacher, Education Advisor (autism), Certified Parent Coach and Trainee SE Practitioner
I love learning but I hate reading! I know, I know, the irony! We all have different learning styles though, right!? And the moment I discovered audiobooks my book consumption increased tenfold! My favourite way to devour a book is to listen on double speed when I'm driving. I do enjoy fiction books but I like to complete them in a day or two so that only happens a few times a year, usually when I'm on holiday! Parenting books, on the other hand, I read all year round however, they don't tend to have the irresistible page turning cliff hangers that a good thriller does so motivation can be harder to come by. That's why I love a book club! I find that I am motivated to read because I want to join in with meaningful and reflective discussion. The books I have read so far have all contributed to improved self-awareness, improved parenting and better outcomes for my family as a whole.
Favourite Non-Fiction Book:
Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Rosenburg
Currently Reading:
Say What You Mean, The Body Keeps The Score, Trauma-Proofing Your Kids.
I love reading books and like to discuss books with other people. I like to hear opinions and interpretations that are different to mine to think about things that I might not have considered. I prefer to read paper books when I’m reading a non-fiction book. I tend to read the chapters randomly starting with the chapters that catch my attention first. For fiction books I like to read them in e-book format as this allows me to read them without a light on at night. I have been in several book clubs in the past and I have run a fiction and a non-fiction book club myself.

Currently Reading:
The Wild Edge of Sorrow by Francis Weller. Beautiful book about the different types of grief the human soul encounters in life (not just the loss of the people and the things we love) and the importance of acknowledging them all.
Say What You Mean by Oren Jay Sofer.
Dr Maria Oviedo
Family physician/ General Practitioner, Certified Parent Coach and Trainee SE Practitioner
Book Club Details
Become part of a friendly community of people who are passionate about conscious parenting.
Feel a sense of belonging, motivation and growth.
See improvements in your parenting/work, from learning about the latest research in child development.
Enjoy a sense of achievement from reading a parenting book from cover to cover.
*Groups are safely facilitated by trained professionals.

All sessions are 8pm-9.15pm GMT
Session 1: Wed 8th Jan' 25
Session 2: Wed 15th Jan '25
Session 3: Wed 22nd Jan '25
Session 4: Wed 22th Nov '25
Session 5: Wed 29th Jan '25
Session 6: Wed 5th Feb '25
​Session 7: Wed 12th Feb '25
​Session 8: Wed 19th Feb '25

8 x weekly, structured, online group sessions (1hour 15 mins)
Exclusive WhatsApp group for midweek motivation.
Current Book: You will learn a different approach to discipline that will 'help you achieve immediate goals of getting your kids to do the right things in the moment, as well as your longer-range goals of helping them become good people who are happy, successful, kind, responsible and eve self-disciplined'.

All sessions are on Zoom video call so can be done from a location of your choice as long as you have a phone, tablet, laptop or desktop. You will receive the Zoom link via email before the first class.
Open to participants worldwide (All sessions are in English).

Due to the nature of the books we cover, at times it can bring up intense emotions for parents and they may feel that they would benefit from additional 1:1 support. Therefore, we offer a gold and platinum package with 1:1 coaching sessions included.
*If the PayPal button is not showing below, please email me to receive the bank transfer details
(£11.10 per week)
£89 total
8 x Weekly Zoom Group Sessions
Access to Exclusive WhatsApp Group
Club book must be purchased separately
Starting 08/01/25

Gold Package
£109 total
(worth £148)
8 x Weekly Zoom Group Sessions
Access to Exclusive WhatsApp Group
1 x 1:1 coaching session with
Maria or Jodie
Club book must be purchased separately
Starting 08/01/25

Platinum Package
£179 total
(worth £239)
8 x Weekly Zoom Group Sessions
Access to Exclusive WhatsApp Group
3 x 1:1 coaching session with
Maria or Jodie
Club book must be purchased separately
Starting 08/01/25

Frequently Asked Questions
I am quite nervous about having to speak in front of a group. Is this complusory? No, we encourage participants to keep their camera on if possible but we understand that some people might prefer to observe rather than participate. You can send the hosts a private message to let them know if you don't want to speak or if you have other requirements that would make you feel comfortable.
What happens if I can't make all of the sessions? You can still access the WhatsApp group to stay in the loop and if you haven't had chance to read the chapter, still turn up! We do a chapter summary in each call!
I haven't got children, is the current book appropriate? Along with parents and grandparents, the current book is suitable for anyone who works with children or supports parents/ carers e.g. teachers, TA's, social workers.
My child is neurodivergent, is the current book suitable? Yes, you know your child best so you may want to adapt some strategies to meet the needs of your child and we welcome discussion of this in the group. The strategies in the book are based on connection with your child.
I am neurodivergent, is this club suitable for me? We want this book club to feel like an inviting space for anyone who would like to attend. Here are some things we are doing; weekly voice notes sent via WhatsApp to inform members of the chapters to read along with the equivalent audible chapters for those listening to an audiobook, weekly session plans sent in advance to let members know what to expect on the live call, all documents use OpenDyslexia font and are on a coloured background and members can participate as little or as much as they would like in group discussions. If you have individual requirements that we have not thought of, please email to discuss how we can accomodate you.
I am not very confident with technology. Is this book club suitable for me? If you can operate your email you should be fine! You will be sent a link via email to click on for the calls. There will be other basic things that we can talk you through such as turning your camera and microphone on.
I haven't got a PayPal account, is there an alternative way to pay? You can pay by bank transfer. Email to receive details.
I've got a question you haven't answered. No problem! Email me at

Book Club Testimonials
Feb, 2024
“The discussions which we had were great and made me feel like I wasn't alone. The support given was great and I took away valuable information from each session."
Feb, 2024
"It's a lovely community. Book Club provides a non-judgmental, safe space for people to share their parenting challenges and wins. Jodie and Maria are very knowledgeable and offered great advice."
Feb, 2024
“It has made a big difference! Little things each week are helping me to be less shouty and more connected with my children. I can see that it's a long journey but I feel great about taking these little steps.”