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About Me

Passionate about relational safety 


About Me

Parenting is my passion! But it hasn't always been! Let me explain...


Fairly early on in my parenting journey, I realised that parenting wasn't all baby grows and squishy cuddles. Quite the opposite in fact; for me, it was the single most difficult challenge I had faced to date. There was an abundance of love, yes, yet with little to no knowledge of conscious parenting, and neurodiversity and extreme anxiety thrown into the mix, the love wasn't enough to stop -what felt like- relentless chaos! 


Workwise, I had been working as a teacher for several years. After having my children, I then moved into an education advisory role as an SEN specialist; a job I loved! It was in this role, I met many parents like me; adoring of their children and passionate about getting their child the right support yet feeling like they were on a constant uphill battle. In my opinion, many schools do not yet focus heavily enough on relational safety; instead using behaviour modification strategies at the detriment to the child. (I hope to develop a conscious teacher package in future! But more on that later!) In my experience, the education system doesn't yet adequately offer emotional safety and support for many children. Many school staff are struggling due to a lack of funding and adequate training regarding how to support behaviour that challenges them, and navigating the effects of this as a parent, can be extremely stressful.


Living with stress isn't conducive to harmony in the home and after having very little luck with outside support, I decided to look closer to home for ways to more effectively support my children. I found a parent coaching course and haven't looked back. The course took me on a deep dive into generational patterns, attachment science, emotional regulation and much more. It was like finding the missing piece to the puzzle. (A very emotional and self-reflective puzzle which I will name 'The Empowered Parent and Securely Attached Child'!) Finally, family life began to improve, anxiety in the household became more manageable, the endless waiting lists were no longer our only hope of support and I became a competent and conscious parent, despite the challenges that inevitably life throws. This journey has led to huge improved outcomes for both of my children, that I honestly did not think were possible. 


And thus, parenting became my passion!


Library Bookshelves

Qualifications and Training


  • BSc Honours Degree Anatomy and Human Biology, University of Liverpool (2006)

  • PGCE Secondary Science, Manchester Metropolitan University (2007)

  • Autism Education Trust Trainer (2016-2022)

  • Parent Coach Certification, Jai Institute For Parenting (2022-2023)


The Jai Institute for Parenting Certification

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